My work

I am a researcher in the applied epidemiology and behavioural science of addiction. My work uses a systems lens, recognising that changing behavior to minimise the harms from addiction involves multiple factors at the individual, community and population level. I conduct policy-oriented research to inform improvements in the health of populations and priority groups in society that experience a disproportionate level of harm from substance use.

Key Skills
  • Data analysis & visualisation
    • Statistical analysis of population survey data and randomized controlled trial data
    • Data wrangling and statistical programming using R
    • Qualitative data analysis

  • Communication
    • Oral presentation of research to academic and policy-focused stakeholders
    • Lecture to MSc and BSc programmes in epidemiology, behaviour change, addiction and public health
    • Report writing and publication of research in academic journals
    • Communication of research to public audiences

PhD, Epidemiology and Behavioural Science, UCL (2020)
MSc, Global Health, UCL (2016)
BSc, Biomedical Science, University of Edinburgh (2015)

Scientific and Academic Citizenship

Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco - Co-chair of Policy and Regulatory Science Network Education Sub-committee and member of Advisory Committee
Journal of Nicotine and Tobacco Research - Associate Editor
Royal College of Physicians - Author of chapter on vaping in priority socioeconomic groups in 2024 RCP report

Select Recent Publications

Dr Loren Kock

My work

I am a researcher in the applied epidemiology and behavioural science of addiction. My work uses a systems lens, recognising that changing behavior to minimise the harms from addiction involves multiple factors at the individual, community and population level. I conduct policy-oriented research to inform improvements in the health of populations and priority groups in society that experience a disproportionate level of harm from substance use.

Key Skills
  • Data analysis & visualisation
    • Statistical analysis of population survey data and randomized controlled trial data
    • Data wrangling and statistical programming using R
    • Qualitative data analysis

  • Communication
    • Oral presentation of research to academic and policy-focused stakeholders
    • Lecture to MSc and BSc programmes in epidemiology, behaviour change, addiction and public health
    • Report writing and publication of research in academic journals
    • Communication of research to public audiences

PhD, Epidemiology and Behavioural Science, UCL (2020)
MSc, Global Health, UCL (2016)
BSc, Biomedical Science, University of Edinburgh (2015)

Scientific and Academic Citizenship

Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco - Co-chair of Policy and Regulatory Science Network Education Sub-committee and member of Advisory Committee
Journal of Nicotine and Tobacco Research - Associate Editor
Royal College of Physicians - Author of chapter on vaping in priority socioeconomic groups in 2024 RCP report

Select Recent Publications